Smith and wesson model serial number lookup
Smith and wesson model serial number lookup

smith and wesson model serial number lookup

There is some dispute regarding the dates on some serial numbers. Dating a Smith & Wesson Revolver: This list is merely a general guide and not meant to be exact.


Some serial numbers are located underneath the frame in front of the trigger guard. The standard location for the serial number is above the trigger guard. Locate the serial number on the left side of the pistol's frame. This identification proves that the handgun is an authentic Smith & Wesson pistol.In one known example a gun with serial S136431 was not shipped until June of 1958. Note that a number of N frames with serials in the S138000-S140000 range (and the range may be wider either way) are seen that were shipped much later than the serial would suggest should be the case. 1946- K-101-614 1947-K-615 Post-War K-Frame Serial Number Sequence - SMITH SHOOTERS FORUM. Hello I thought that someone may like this Reference of K-Frame serial number's. Smith & Wesson Serial Number Lookup Free No Charge.Smith & Wesson Serial Number Lookup Free.Smith & Wesson 686 Serial Number Lookup.Smith & Wesson Serial Number Lookup Images.

Smith and wesson model serial number lookup